Saturday, June 18, 2011

Please continue to follow me on tumblr

I'm no longer updating this blog, if you wish, please follow me on tumblr @

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Close Shave

Today I'm trying out Bungie's new Render-to-Video Public Beta. Essentially, you can create a film using Halo 3's Theater feature, then upload it to, and finally have them render it in either 640 x 360 standard definition, or 1280 x 720 high definition. Find out more about it here. Check out the video I rendered below (video is offset slightly due to the width of my blog):

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Epic Achievement Quest

I'm starting on a little endeavor to go back and play every Xbox 360 game that I can (from the beginning to the present). Gamefly should aid me greatly in this. I received my first title this week, Kameo: Elements of Power. It main game doesn't appear that it will be too awfully difficult to complete, but there are some achievements that might take some time. I'm want to try to complete as many games to 100% as I can, but I don't want to spend weeks and weeks on each title, so we'll see how it goes.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Getting back into the swing.

Upon some reflection over the past weekend, I'm thinking about ramping up some of my online activity to where it used to be (now that re-modeling is winding down for a while). What could this mean? More interviews and activity at GamerHusbands, and possibly some re-newed activity at SBG Gaming.